Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing Reflection - 873 Words

Throughout my first semester at the University of Portland, the quality of my writing progressively increased. My English 112 class contained many different activities that contributed to helping me become a better writer. Informal writing assignments, class discussions, peer review sessions and the writing center were just some of the resources available to me that helped progress not only my writing ability but my overall reading writing analysis skills as well. Not only did I make new relationships with my peers, these relationships also helped me understand the content more thoroughly, work out any problems that I had with my ideas, and encourage me to be more social among my fellow classmates as well. Nearing the end of this†¦show more content†¦Class discussions were a great way to not only formulate my thoughts on the reading, but also to be able to share them with the class and hear others ideas as well. Ive always felt that when it comes to reading literature in an academic manner it is extremely helpful to hear multiple points of view on the same text. This allows me to be able to compare my ideas with my peers and engage in productive discussions in a classroom environment. Additionally, class discussions allowed me to establish a rapport with my classmates. Some classes, specifically those solely based off lecturing, do not allow classmates to get to know each other. However in this class, the discussions allowed me to get to know my peers much better than I otherwise would have. Having these relationships with my fellow classmates helped progress my reading and writing skills over the course of the semester as well. If I had a question about the content of the reading, I did not have to rely on setting up an appointment and hoping the time would work with my schedule. Instead, I could reach out to one of my classmates and work through the problems that we had together. 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