Friday, December 27, 2019

U.s. Government Bullying The Native Americans - 994 Words

I believe it was simply the U.S. government bullying the native Americans and taking something they wanted. It is as simple as I want what you have and I am bigger, stronger and have a larger gun. My opinion is the United states and white Americans took advantage of an unarmed and out manned society. I hope to show my reasons for this belief in this paper through historical facts. Americans who lived in the western frontier feared and resented native Americans. Americans believed that Native Americans were uncivilized, uneducated and lesser people. The Indians occupied land that the whites wanted and that was a problem for the whites. Some Americans thought a good way to rectify this problem was to change and civilize the native Americans. They wanted to convert Indians to Christianity, teach them to read and write English and adopt white American practices. In the southeastern portion of the united states, five Indian tribes embraced these changes. Even though these tribes embraced these changes and tried to conform to the white’s ways, the Americans still wanted their land. At this point the whites didn’t particularly care that they were now somewhat civilized, they just wanted the land so they could make themselves rich off of it. The whites pillaged and burned the homes of the Native Americans, stole livestock and lived on land that t hey didn’t own to try and force the Native Americans to leave. The states eventually joined the people in the effort to pushShow MoreRelatedAmerican Treatment of Native Americans Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesBefore, during, and after the Civil War, American settlers irreversibly changed Indian ways of life. These settlers brought different ideologies and convictions, such as property rights, parliamentary style government, and Christianity, to the Indians. Clashes between the settlers and Indians were common over land rights and usage, religious and cultural differences, and broken treaties. 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